Writing As Habit

For anyone who has ever struggled to embrace their inner writer.

the daily creative writer

Embrace discipline, ditch the theatrics and turn your creativity into a habit.

“I hate writing, I love having written.” Dorothy Parker

About a year and a half ago, I committed to something scary. While I’d done it a million times before, it was far from second nature. I had years of experience, plenty of hours devoted to the task, and yet…and yet…I was truly and genuinely frightened to proceed.

I told myself to “get a grip,” took a deep breath, and plunged right in, reminding myself that my fear would never again reach this peak – that it was all a downhill glide once I got on the right path.

I donned my bathing suit, braved the fit forms and uncurious stares of the college-student-gauntlet set before me, and just jumped in. The water temperature of the university’s pool took my breath away and within a few minutes, I was…

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