Search for Wellness

As I approach writing the second half of my novel (or perhaps novella; is it really a good idea to keep it wordy if the story has been resolved?), I’ve been somewhat grappling with the three-directional pull to either go really “out there,” keep it simple, or try to create something that’ll be a hit. For the first time ever, my prospective audience is really on the forefront of my mind.

It’s strange to experience stress and worry over something that should bring fulfillment, and I must remain mindful and appreciative of the process. To unwind and recharge my energy, I managed to take a few news photos to share here.


6 thoughts on “Search for Wellness

  1. Love the last shot! And I feel you on novel writing. One moment I’m writing for myself and don’t give a damn what other people think. Then the next I’m writing to be famous and make money. Not a good combo lol


  2. So helpful! i’m new to blogging and im following people who inspire me and who have good things to say! would you mind following my back?im just getting started xx

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